Thursday 13 June 2013

3 a.m Self Reflection

I'm sitting here on the day bed in my basement at 3 in the morning posting on my new overly dramatic blog, instead of preparing to write my G1.

Did I mention I'm 18?

Can you say slacker? Because I sure as hell can.

I'm sure I get it from my dad who stays up until ungodly hours writing tests that he could have done during the day. But the point is that I seriously lack the motivation to be successful in anything in life. It's starting to worry me. But don't worry, not enough to make me actually do something.

Why did I even start this blog in the first place you ask? Won't it just add to the list of things that I don't finish or forget about? Maybe, but I saw it in Awkward and of course now I'm giving it the good ol' college try. Story of my life.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Shall we begin?..

Well, this is my first post and I'm at a loss for words.
Even though I know nobody will be reading this I somehow feel the need to introduce myself.

I'm 18 going on what feels like 28. Currently enrolled as a second year psychology major at a university that chooses to remain nameless for the time being. I could say recently single, but that would be a lie.

Unfortunately, that right there is the best description of myself that I could possibly think of. How pathetic is that?